"Still again the hue and cry was raised in Europe and America that the soulles Turk, always the Turk, only the Turk, was the guilty one. Armenian agitators, Armenian jacks-in-office, Armenian revolutionary committees provoking the Turks to retaliate on their offenders in order to force the intervention of the Great powers[19]—these political mischief makers go scot-free while the ever vilified Osmanli is pilloried before the world as a monster of iniquity and a demon incarnate.
The Anatolian halil Halid, who was born and bred in Asia Minor and who spend many years in England, commenitng on the matters under consideration, pertinently asks, "Did the humanitarian British public know these? No; it does not care to know anything which might be favorable to the Turks. Have the political journals of this country—Britian—mentioned the facts I have stated? Of course not, because—to speak plainly—they know that in the Armenian pie there were the fingers of some of their own politicians."[20] And those that are well informed know the reason of Britain's attitude toward Turkey, for they know that "since 1829, when the Greeks obtained their independence, England's Near East policy has been remorselessly aimed at the demolition of the Turkish Empire and the destruction of Ottoman sovereignty.
Does France, the first nation of Europe to form an alliance with the sublime Porte, know these things? She does, but, at the present time, it suits her purpose to feign ignorance of them and to follow the policy of England in her dealings with those whom she has professed …
It is also evident that, so long as present conditions persist, spradic massacres like those provoked by the Armenians in Cilicia andConstantinople are inevitable."
[19] Pierre Loti tells of a French consul in Asia Minor who barely escaped assassination at the hands of an Armenian agitator who, when quesitoned regarding his attempt on the life of the functionary, cooly replied: "I did this in order that the turks might be accused of it and in the hope that the French would rise up against them after the murder of their consul." Les massacres d"Armenie, p. 50 (Paris, 1918).
[20] The Diary of A Turk, p. 130.
Rev. J.A. Zahm, C.S.C., Ph.D., LL.D. (H.J. Mozans), From Berlin to Bagdad and Babylon pp. 210-213 (1922).